
The basic idea behind OnTrack is enabling chemotherapy patients to keep track of their basic nutrient and activity needs. 

It consists primarily of 3 pages - user registration, daily recording and tracking, and a weekly progress chart.

User Registration & Login

The user registration screen creates a new user account in the firebase database and stores their nutrient and activity goals. 

Once the user has create an account they can login from different locations or devices and enter data and track their progress.

Record and Track Daily Activity

Designed with a nod towards easy mobile data entry, this screen allows the user to quickly and easily record their progress and see how they are doing for that day.


Progress Chart

The Charts button takes the user to this screen where they can see their progress charted over the previous 5 days of data.


OnTrack was the final group project for my Foundations of Software Development course at Code Fellows. The basic process was for students and instructors to pitch a variety of ideas and vote on them. The top ideas were assigned teams of four people and we worked on it for four days, followed by a presentation. My fellow team members were Jeff, Shane and Susan. 

My initial contribution to the project was to organize the team to walk through the requirements generated by the product pitch, determine the scope and define the main work items and overall flow of the website with whiteboard wireframes.

My primary development work was implementing a data object that stored the users information, goals and progress. This is a multi-page web app so it needed to be cleanly accessible by each of the different views, so I worked with the other developers to integrated it into their code, first using dummy data so they could flesh out the visual and functional design, and then plugging in the actual data. 

On the 3rd day, my instructor suggested we look into storing our data remotely with firebase to increase the appeal of the application. It was relatively straightforward for me to add firebase storage to our data object so that it was transparent to the other developers and didn't interrupt their workflow. We had wanted to have it feel and behave like an actual live web app, so with firebase I was able implement a simple email based sign-in, which allows access to your account from different devices.


The OnTrack website was built primarily with vanilla javascript, html and css. Firebase was used for storing the user data, user accounts and authentication and for deploying the website. Chart.js was used for visualizing the daily and weekly user data.

The project used GitHub for source management and can be found here: https://github.com/jeffgebhardt/on-track